Another Year

Wow- time flies. Yet here I am boring you with another blog entry.

I wish you happiness such that your head explodes. I wish you getting lost on your travels so you see places you wouldn’t have seen otherwise.  I wish you so much laughter your abs look like Shemar Moore’s. I wish you friends who would die for you.  I wish you a dog that loves you unconditionally.  I wish you food you’ve never tried before.  I wish you shoes that fit like gloves off the shelf. I wish you confidence to attempt your dreams; humility to learn; bravery to face your fears; and motivation to get off the couch.

I want you to have the best of everything in 2018.  If you face, trials and tribulations, I wish you friends and fortitude to face them gracefully.  I wish you wisdom and discernment to navigate your way. I wish you a gentle path so that you may enjoy the view. I wish you a rough path so you can build your strength.

Waxing poetic is very difficult.  I think you get my gist.  Happy New Year.  May 2018 be the best yet!

January ’17

The first month of the year & it hasn’t been terribly terrible; even if I did send friends into a panic.  See, I deactivated my facebook account, turned off my phone and took a nap.  Yup – that’s all it takes to send my loveys into a panic.  No one could reach me (which, by the way, was the idea).  I think I might’ve maybe missed a dose or two of medicine, but I can never remember.

So far, this month has encompassed a whole world of things: friends, travel, happy, depression, motivation, laziness, lots of TV, lots of reading, a new cat, projects completed, and a fair bit of sex!

Yup, there’s a new guy in the picture.  We’ll see how it goes.  I’m on hyperalert, which I don’t know is totally fair to him, as I dissect his every action and question all his motivations.  I even made him cry last week (how nice was that? but it was just a direct conversation about things.) He is patient & quite smitten with me – so that’s always good.

I’m still not working.  I’ve pretty much given up on the previous application. I found another position I’ve applied for, which may be great (or a total nightmare).  God continues to provide, so it’s all good.

This post is quite boring, so if you’re still here, I’ll let you go for now.  Maybe things will pick up and get lighter as the year goes by.  Maybe I’ll get lighter, that would be a fabulous result.

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a girl's journey into the love of bats

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Sharing lessons learned on this journey called Life

After Narcissistic Abuse

There is Light, Life & Love

Your Healing Frequency

Wisdom and healing for survivors of relationship abuse