Goodbye 2016

Ah, dear reader – you are still here despite my lack of writing.

As 2017 approaches, I find myself in a different state of mind. 90% of the time (if you look back at my other New Year posts) I often find myself looking to the new year with despair: what horrid thing will happen this year?  Who will die? What tragedies will we face?

But this time, I’m almost looking to 2017 with hope.  I knew 2012 would suck because of my divorce – which got drug into 2013.  All those years, including 2014 was weighed down with the thought “Will my mom die this year?” (which happened at the end of 2014.) 2015 began with a new job and a new outlook, only to quickly be smothered by more abusive people being introduced into my world, world smashing grief, and a good dose of depression.  Some of these years I did look to with a semblance of hope, as I kept thinking “it can’t get any worse…..”  It didn’t necessarily get worse, it just got different.

Maybe I’m just growing healthier, as my outlook becomes more hopeful. 2017 a 5th year, time for a change in direction.  I find myself with another new job on the horizon, a man by my side, and a bit of energy and motivation to close my mom’s estate; even though my brother is as abusive as ever, my dad quit speaking to me and my mom is still dead.



a girl's journey into the love of bats

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences

Words From a Work In Progress

Sharing lessons learned on this journey called Life

After Narcissistic Abuse

There is Light, Life & Love

Your Healing Frequency

Wisdom and healing for survivors of relationship abuse